Revenue Loans and Overdraft

The LGA Revenue Overdraft is designed to offer short term facilities to Local Government Councils in account relationship with FirstBank.

Loan Information


The LGA Revenue Overdraft provides financing to eligible Local Governments to meet working capital requirements and carry out small capital projects.

The eligible Local Governments are Local Government Authorities (LGAs) who have maintained their subvention account with FirstBank with at least 3 months subvention received into their account. This excludes Local Council Development Authorities (LCDAs), Local Government Education Authorities and Emirate Councils.

Tenor is 12 months with 30 days clean up cycle subject to the expiration of the tenure of the current Local Government Executives.

No tangible collateral is required, but an Irrevocable domiciliation of the LGAs monthly subvention and other sources of income is required.

The maximum amount accessible is N50Million.

See also