Category: Finance

Financial Tips First Bank

Trending Financial Hacks

Navigating the world of finance can feel like playing a complex video game. You’re bombarded with information as new challenges emerge every day. Sometimes you

Subscription Management Tips

Managing your online subscriptions

Like every other thing that has embraced technology in its entirety, almost all services providers and platforms are now subscription-based. From your favourite music and

Student Loan

Student Loans, Yay or Nay?

If you think about it, student loans are not so much of a trend in the financial services industry in Nigeria. They’re not exactly splashed

Saving Money by Bulk Buying

Ladies and gentlemen let’s get real o! How have you been coping with the recent increase in prices of food, clothes, school fees and even

Combo Investments

All through life and living, we are faced with investment choices. These investment choices could include our time, energy and as we get older, it

Financial habits to drop in 2022

STOP! STOP! STOP! Stop for a minute and consider some financial habits you have that are adversely affecting your finances. Yes, things are tough, but

Getting your Jewellery Insured

These days, it is possible to get an insurance policy cover for just about anything that is valuable. Insurance covers can be gotten for things