In 1996, the World Confederation of Physical Therapy (WCPT) now known as World Physiotherapy, designated September 8 as World Physical Therapy (PT) Day. The World Physiotherapy was founded in 1951.
Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals that provide services to develop, maintain and restore people’s maximum movement and functional ability. They help people at any stage of life, when movement and functions are threatened by ageing, injury, diseases, disorders, or environmental factors.
World Physical Therapy Day is observed to create awareness about the crucial contribution physiotherapists make to the society, enabling people to be mobile, well and independent.
The World PT Day marks the unity and solidarity of the global physiotherapy community. It is an opportunity to recognise the work that physiotherapists do for their patients and community. Using World PT Day as a focus, the World Physiotherapy aims to promote the profession and advance their expertise.
World PT Day activities have a positive impact on the profession’s profile standing with both the public and policy makers. Many World Physiotherapy member organisations already have their own national physical therapy days, weeks and months. However, organisations that have no designated day of their own often mark the day on 8 September of every year.
The theme for this year’s World PT Day is WORLD COVID AND REHABILITATION.
It is up to individual physiotherapists and World Physiotherapy member organisations to decide the activities and materials they wish to develop. That way, they can reflect key national priorities and messages. But each year, World Physiotherapy provides ideas, publicity and support materials to the public in need.
FirstBank wishes all our esteemed customers and the general public a Happy World Physical Therapy Day!
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