How are you preparing for the rains?

As the sky darkens and the first drops of rain begin to fall, there’s a sense of anticipation in the air—a feeling that nature is about to unleash its power. Expectations are high for this year’s rainy season after the bouts of indescribable heat that has continued to sweep across the nation.

Rain has a way of both soothing and stirring the soul, reminding us of the ever-changing rhythm of life and as with many good things in life, there are bound to be pros and cons. But before we delve into that, let’s explore effective ways by which we can prepare for the season.

• Get your rain gear, durable raincoats, funky umbrellas, and maybe some stylish rain hoods for the ladies. Oh, and don’t forget those sleek rain boots or trendy rubber shoes to save the day when the streets are full of puddles!

• Next up, do a quick location check! You know what they say—water finds its level, and rainwater is no exception. Give your place a quick check-up: mend the leaky spots in your roof or windows, clear out clogged drainages and ensure that they are free flowing. Nobody has time or temperament for a soggy surprise outdoors or even indoors.

• Now, let’s talk about health. With rain comes a whole new set of health concerns—cold, sniffles, malaria and other waterborne diseases. Heavy and prolonged rainfall usher in puddles which become perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. So, it is time to unbox your mosquito nets, coils, insecticides, and mosquito-repellant creams to keep malaria at bay.

• Another area of concern is road trips. While there may be the urge to push the pedals to get to your destination on time, you’ve got to drive with utmost caution. The first rain after a dry spell turns the road into skating rinks, and oil and grease sure make the roads extra slippery. Before you hit the pedals, give your tyres a quick once-over: also check your wipers, battery and the entire car’s electrical system. Safety first, peeps!

Still speaking of safety, do not forget about other natural hazards that come with the rainy season. From flash floods to lightning strikes, Mother Nature can be one unpredictable lady. So, keep your eyes peeled and stay alert—because nothing ruins a rainy day like getting caught off guard by the elements.

Before you step out the door, do yourself a favour and check the weather forecast on any of your digital devices. Sure, no one can predict the future, but a little heads-up from the weather man or your trusted weather app can go a long way in helping you to avoid being drenched.

Now, let’s talk about making the most of the rainy days when you need to stay indoors. Embrace the cozy vibes, dust off those board games, and boil up a pot of cocoa or coffee. And while you have decided to stay indoors, some of your friends might not mind visiting. So, why not invite them over for a cozy movie night?

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Let’s make the best of the day, come rain come shine!



References: Ladybird limited,,

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